Little office device can save a lot

This little office device the story.

One of the first big cases that I had involved a gentleman with a totally messed up shoulder.  I adjusted, worked the muscles, stretched the joint but nothing seemed to work.

I started talking with him about his office set-up and his work, because something else had to be causing all these shoulder problems.  Turns out he was an engineer for a major multinational corporation and supervised several departments of other engineers. I started talking with him about his office set-up and his work, because something else had to be causing all these shoulder problems. Turns out he was an engineer for a major multinational corporation and supervised several departments of other engineers. 

He was on the computer all day long responding to emails and otherwise on the computer. The shoulder problem was his right shoulder, his mouse arm, so I suggested a track ball. Once he started using the trackball, his shoulder pain started to ease and the joint relaxed a bunch. We could then adjust the shoulder, remove the adhesions, and relax the muscles. Given our current circumstance with everyone working from home and on the computer all the time, I thought this information might be interesting. There’s also an article in the news letter for February 17, 2021, about ergonomics in the office place. If this sounds familiar or you have another problem that needs solving, make an appointment or stop by for a visit and we’ll see what we can do.

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Dr. Roy

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