The second shot
The Super Bowl game was a no contest (really disappointing) so I thought I’d tell you about my second shot. I got the second vaccination on Thursday morning last week at about 11:10am. I can’t say that I had much of a reaction for the first 24 hours and I was thinking, not so bad.
Almost the instant that the first 24 hours expired, I started feeling bad. I’d say it wasn’t the worst I ever felt, but I was not very functional either. I got home and went straight to bed for a nap,(which everyone said would help). It did help, but I didn’t start feeling better until about 5 hours after the symptoms kicked in. I had headache, body aches, and brain fog. No fever, no nausea, no other symptoms at all. On this side of it, I’d say it wasn’t terrible for me, but I know everyone has a different experience.
I am standing by my guns and saying – get the shots. Covid-19 has such bad outcomes for so many that it’s worth it, even if you are an anti-vaxer, to have the shot. The last thing you would want is to take it home to someone vulnerable like a parent or grandparent. When it’s your time, take the opportunity and just do it. Buck up little camper, you’ll get through it.
Stay safe and get the vaccine when it’s your time. To make an appointment in the clinic click here.