Arm Numbness

What Causes Arm Numbness or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

There are a variety of reasons that the arms can go numb so it is something that needs to be checked out with your doctor. One of the reasons is called thoracic outlet syndrome. What happens is that the muscles on the side of the neck, the first rib, and the collar bone can get in the way of blood flow or nerve impulses that travel through the upper trapezius area. If these structures are compromised, there can be a greater tendency for the arms so go to sleep in certain positions.

If you have these conditions, there are several areas that should be checked for proper movement and positioning. Obviously, the first rib and the collar bone should both be checked and adjusted if need be, but there are also indications for muscle work that needs to be done on the side of the neck in the Scalene muscle group. Working on these areas can make a huge difference on the amount of time the arms are asleep but also on arm strength and general coordination for everyday activities.